Nature's Creations MyoFascial Release
Pain Relief Center

About the Practitioner

My name is Diana Krannich, I am a licensed pharmacist for over 20 years, graduate of St. John's University, and a certified massage therapist. My purpose in life is to help people heal. In my years of practice, I have seen that medicine does not achive wellness alone. It lacks the interconnection between mind, body, and spirit. The body has tremendous healing powers. My goal is to educate doctors and clients on how to incorporate traditional medicine along with our own bodies' natural defense mechanism, by having East meet West... the best resolution for wellness and maintining homeostasis... medicine and natural alternatives. I have incorporated medical massage in my practice, which I feel is an extension of maintaining health and wellness through healing hands. My techniques are unique. I am the new generation of healthcare. In this era where wellness ranks first and healthcare last, medical massage and natural alternatives are crucial in maintaing health. I can help! Remember, the best gift you can offer someone is The Gift Of Health.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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